Telegram offers verification for public figures and organizations so that users can easily identify official sources. The Telegram team generally verifies active official channels, bots or public groups that have notable verified accounts on at least 2 of these platforms:
In the bio section on these platforms, please add a link to your Telegram channel, bot or group – so we can confirm that they indeed belong to you. Once this is done, please contact our @VerifyBot for verification.
During the submission process, you will also be asked to provide at least 2 links to press articles mentioning you or your organization. To assist in the verification process, it’s preferable if:
The articles must mention the public figure or organization in question, but don't need to link to Telegram.
If you have an undisputed page on Wikipedia that satisfies Wikipedia's Notability Guidelines – and that page contains a link to your channel, bot or public group on Telegram – it can be counted as 1 of the missing verified accounts.
In the case of organizations, a link to the Telegram channel from the official website of the organization may also be taken into account. The bot will offer to submit additional data and comments after checking the social media links.
If you're using a Wikipedia or Official Website link instead of one of the social media accounts, please make sure that they include a link to the channel, group or bot you want to verify on Telegram.
If you have an undisputed page on Wikipedia that satisfies Wikipedia's Notability Guidelines – and that page contains a link to your channel, bot or public group on Telegram – it can be counted as 1 of the missing press links.
In the case of organizations, a link to the Telegram channel from the official website of the organization may also be taken into account. The bot will offer to submit additional data and comments after checking the social media links.
This means the channel, group or bot is official and their verification application was approved by Telegram. Any organization or public figure is welcome to apply for verification – the process and requirements are the same for all applicants.
Special badges
appear for verified chats on their info pages, as well as in users’ chat lists and search results.
Verification is not an endorsement of any opinions or content shared by a chat – rather, it is meant to give users, journalists and researchers a way to identify official sources.
Sorry, Telegram doesn’t verify user accounts at the moment. Verification is only available for large and active official channels, groups and bots.
Note that verification doesn't give any additional abilities in Telegram - it is simply one of the ways to demonstrate that your channel, group or bot is official. A link to Telegram on your official site or other official accounts elsewhere can achieve a similar result.
A verified channel, group or bot can't change its name or short link (…). If changes are necessary, you can remove the verification status first. Contact @VerifyBot and send /unverify
. You can then reobtain verification using the bot after making your changes.
To further improve transparency on Telegram, official third-party services are able to assign extra verification icons to user accounts and chats — in order to prevent scams and reduce misinformation.
Third-party verification icons appear before the name of a chat — and add a detailed explanation to its profile.
To participate in third-party verification, you must have an official bot that has been verified by Telegram. Once verified, your service will be able to apply to become a third-party verifier on Telegram.
Each third-party verifier must have their own unique icon, which will appear next to the names of chats and accounts that they verify. The artwork used for your icon should be simple and minimalist, in a solid color.
The application for third-party verifiers is available via @VerifyBot.
Once your application has been approved, you can start assigning verification to others via the Bot Profile > Verify Accounts. A list of chats and accounts will appear — simply tap the ones you wish to verify. You can remove verification by tapping again on someone you've verified.
Verification can also be assigned and removed via the Bot API — information for developers is available here.
Third-party verification is meant to make it easier for users to independently confirm the people they contact and services they interact with. If you have questions about the status of a particular chat, you can open its profile to see more information or to contact the bot that verified it.
Only Telegram is able to assign the official verification checkmark to chats. Third-party verifiers use completely different icons.