Supergroups 5000: Public Groups, Pinned Posts

Telegram is famous for its awesome group chats. Today’s update makes them even more awesome. To begin with, we’re increasing the number of people who can join a supergroup from 1000 to 5000 members. That's 5 times as good.

Supergroup admins can now inform all members about important news using pinned messages. Pinned messages are displayed at the top of the chat screen. All members will get a notification — even if they muted ordinary messages from the group.

A pinned message

Starting today, supergroups can become public and get a short link, like This way, anybody can view the group's entire chat history and join to post messages.

A public group

We know what you’re thinking. What about spammers? To prevent potential spam issues, we're introducing powerful moderation tools for group admins. From now on, they can quickly delete all messages from a specific member, block and report them.

New tools for admins

These features work only in supergroups, but starting today, any group can be converted to a supergroup by its creator. Group admins are now shown in group members’ lists, so ping your group admin if you think this would be cool.

Good old groups still work great for smaller communities, so there's no need to convert your group right away.

And that's it for today, watch out for more updates coming soon!

March 13, 2016
The Telegram Team

P.S. Please note that we’ll be rolling out public groups gradually. They’re already live in Europe and America, but are currently not available in several countries in Asia, from which we detected significant spam activity in the past.

We’ll be making the feature available in more countries as we improve our anti-spam algorithms and scale our abuse team.

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