Giveaways in Channels and Free Premium

Giveaways in Channels and Free Premium

Channel owners can now launch Giveaways to randomly distribute prizes among their followers. This is great if you want to promote your channel, get new subscribers or reward existing ones.

Giveaways have been a popular trend on social media for a while, but until now it was impossible to quickly organize them in a verifiable and transparent manner. Today Telegram changes that. This will allow millions of users to receive prizes like Telegram Premium subscriptions, and Telegram will guarantee that winners are selected fairly.

Free Telegram Premium

Channel owners can create a Giveaway in just a few taps. Telegram will randomly select the winners based on the rules they set – and distribute the prizes.

The lucky winners will receive links with gift codes, which can serve as public verification that they won. Each code includes a free subscription to Telegram Premium, but the organizers may add other prizes (like Teslas) on top to spice things up.

To try this out, Join the Giveaway sponsored by the Chief Totem Animal of Telegram before November 13th. If you already have Premium, you can still enter and win – and pass the prize to a friend.

Getting Boosts

In addition to getting new followers, channels automatically earn 4 boosts for every subscription that they give out in giveaways. These boosts can't be reassigned and stay with the channel for the duration of the subscriptions in the giveaway. Boosts help channels level up and unlock stories, custom colors and more.

Creating Giveaways

Beyond the number of winners and giveaway duration, the organizer can specify whether all subscribers or only new subscribers are eligible – and select certain countries or require that participants subscribe to other channels to be included.

Channels of any level can start a giveaway via Channel Info > ⋮ or ⋯ > Statistics > Boosts > Get Boosts via Gifts.

Paying for Giveaways

To start a giveaway, the organizer must pay in advance for the Premium subscriptions they wish to award. This can be done from any Telegram app, but is more affordable via @PremiumBot or Fragment.

The App Store and Google Play limit the size of transactions – while @PremiumBot allows for larger purchases. For massive giveaways, Fragment lets you distribute thousands of subscriptions at a time.

Paying for a giveaway on Fragment

You can access @PremiumBot from Telegram Web, Telegram Desktop or the direct version of Telegram for Android.

More Boosts for Users

Starting today, each Telegram Premium account receives more boosts as part of its subscription. Instead of one boost, users who pay for their own subscription have 4 boosts to spread among several channels – or to give certain channels multiple boosts.

Choosing a channel to boost

If you gift Premium to someone, they'll get 1 boost and you'll get 3 more for your own account. If you win Premium in a giveaway, your 4 boosts automatically go to the host channel instead.

That's all for today, we'll be back soon to give away more new features to boost your mood this fall.

November 6, 2023
The Telegram Team

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