👁🐳 Bitcoin Giant Whale address (1PL2cmmMLmGGDtqaSZJY8DR1iKJaziEPJv) added 1292 BTC to its holdings at an average price of $20,816.3, valued at $26.51M. The address is currently ranked 66th on the Bitcoin Rich List.
June 22, 2022
КриптоАтака 24 🦾
👁🐳 Bitcoin Giant Whale address (1PL2cmmMLmGGDtqaSZJY8DR1iKJaziEPJv) added 1292 BTC to its holdings at an average price of $20,816.3, valued at $26.51M. The address is currently ranked 66th on the Bitcoin Rich List. #whale
👁🐳 Bitcoin Giant Whale address (13nwifHUz5ZfHuQhk5ETJ4BhmqbuQdvTFp) added 2316 BTC in four tranches, with average buying prices ranging from $20,422.6.3 to $20,816.3, valued at $61.34 million.The address is currently ranked 71st on the Bitcoin Rich List.
June 22, 2022