Bitget Wallet Announcements
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Join 60M users in seamlessly navigating the Web3 space with Bitget Wallet - the best Web3 trading wallet today.

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🩵 Bitget Wallet proudly introduces our ETH #staking feature! Up to 10% #APY 🤑🤑🤑
🏆 Get 4% - 8% base return + additional 2% - 6% bonus plus gas fee subsidies!
📝 Stake >0.01 ETH via "Staking" in #Bitget Wallet or swap any token for >0.01 stETH using Bitget Swap!
Commit to a minimum staking duration of 10 days to earn additional ETH rewards!
👉 Find out more here:
08:00 Aug 25 - 18:00 Sep 09 (UTC+8)
🤑 Here comes the winners of the #BitgetWallet #staking event!
🎉 Thanks for participating and congratulations to all of you.
👇 Check and see if your name is on the list:
🎉 Exclusive for new Bitget Wallet users: Earn double rewards by staking $ZKF! Win Bitget Wallet's exclusive 300,000 $ZKF airdrop + official ZKFair staking APY up to 277%!

To join:
1️⃣ Download Bitget Wallet -
2️⃣ Stake a minimum of 1,000 $ZKF, or import an address with over 1,000 $ZKF staked
Note : For those who haven't previously downloaded Bitget Wallet before 20:00 15th Jan( UTC+8)

50 lucky users will be randomly selected daily to win 2,000 $ZKF each! 150 winners total will split a prize pool of 300,000 $ZKF! Winners will be announced the next day.

Full details:

Maximized yields, maximized rewards - only on Bitget Wallet!

#BitgetWallet #ZKFair #Staking #ZKF
🎉 $BWB Holders, the moment y'all have been waiting for has finally arrived!

🤩 We've added $13M to the #BWB #staking pool! Stake 180 days for 10% APY - spots are filling up fast! If you don't manage to get a spot, don't worry we'll open more spots in the future.