Bitget Wallet Announcements
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Heard you guys had tons of fun with $MOEW last week 😼

It's now time to ride the #meme mania wave with #FairLaunchpool Season 9! Dive into #GAMEOFMEME with the hottest meme coins featured on #BitgetWallet's Meme Leaderboard! Massive $200K prize pool πŸ‘οΈπŸ‘οΈ

πŸ“ Show off your meme expertise! Here's how to get in on the fun:
1️⃣ Follow BitgetWallet, RT + Like this post
2️⃣ Swap any memecoins from the MEME leaderboard! Trading volumes worth at least $100 could potentially bag you $50!
3️⃣ Tweet your β€œMemeativity”! All meme actions count, including off-chain! The top meme participants could walk away with up to $1000! Don't forget to tag us BitgetWallet
with #Memeativity hashtag and leave your EVM address πŸ‘€

⏰ Apr 09 - Apr 16, 18:00 (UTC+8)

πŸ“― The total prize pool of $200k consists of varies trendy tokens and $MOEW that were acquired by Bitget Wallet from Secondary Market.

Swapping, holding, memes… the sky is the limit. πŸš€