Bitget Wallet Announcements
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Join 60M users in seamlessly navigating the Web3 space with Bitget Wallet - the best Web3 trading wallet today.

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🔥 Are you able to turn $100 into a potential $100K miracle? 🤩
🥳 #BitgetWallet's grandest event, #NewDegen2023 On-chain Trading Competition, is now LIVE!
Compete from Oct 16 - Nov 18.
🤴 Go solo or team up for maximum rewards! 🧑‍🤝‍🧑
⬇️Sign up now!
#NewDegen #TradingCompetition #DeFi #meme
NewDegen 2023 On-Chain Trading Competition Week 2
🏆Prize Pool: $30 USDT/day
Duration:Nov 13th - Nov 18th
Day 1 - Share the ongoing #NewDegen event to 3 other telegram communities or SNS(Community Members over 10k)
Day 2 - Screenshot of any transaction of the day
Day 3 - Screenshot of your Squad Ranking
Day 4 - Screenshot of your ROI
Day 5 - Make a swap over $100 of the day
Also leave your wallet address in the comments of this announcement
The rewards will be sent within 2 days