Bitget & ForesightVen are investing $30M into the TON blockchain, fueling #GameFi, #TaptoEarn & more!
With 1,000+ dApps & millions of users, #TON is one of 2024’s fastest-growing ecosystems.
Find out how #Bitget is shaping the future of #Web3
#BitgetWallet recently hosted #TONNECT2024 over the span of a month, teaming up with 50+ major projects and launching 40+ reward activities! 🚀
Being 68% of user's choice, we powered a staggering 17% of #TON's overall active addresses in September.
With 1,000+ dApps & millions of users, #TON is one of 2024’s fastest-growing ecosystems.
Find out how #Bitget is shaping the future of #Web3
#BitgetWallet recently hosted #TONNECT2024 over the span of a month, teaming up with 50+ major projects and launching 40+ reward activities! 🚀
Being 68% of user's choice, we powered a staggering 17% of #TON's overall active addresses in September.
September 19, 2024