Bitget Wallet Announcements
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Join 60M users in seamlessly navigating the Web3 space with Bitget Wallet - the best Web3 trading wallet today.

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🩡 We're not gonna keep you waiting, the winner's list for the third #BGWFairLaunchpool has been released!

πŸ€‘ The amount of rewards this time has reached a new high with $126 won on average per person!

πŸ“ Check to see if you are one of the lucky ones:

Go to Earning Center - Rewards Account - Reward History,
Share a screenshot in our community to get a chance to win a mysterious #airdrop! 🎁
What are you waiting for? Start sharing now!
Leave the Screenshot + Wallet address under this announce!!!
The rewards for the #BGWFairLaunchpool Season 5 have been distributed, with an average winning of $30+!

πŸ† Join us on #BGWFairLaunchpool Season 6, trade any listed trending tokens on #BitgetWallet, and earn airdrops of $30~$80 per participant. This event's $130,000 prize pool

πŸ‘‰How to participate:
Go to the #BitgetWallet App -> Earning Center -> Fair Launchpool to find the event page
1⃣ Connect your X (Twitter) account
2⃣ Share the campaign tweet on X (Twitter)
3⃣ Trade Any Listed Trending Token β‰₯ $100

πŸŽ‰ By completing the main tasks above, you can share the $100,000 prize pool. What's more, inviting new users will share an additional $30,000 prize pool.

Remember to click "Verification" during the event to be eligible for reward consideration

⏰ Mar 14, 15:00 - Mar 20, 15:00 (UTC+8)

πŸ”— Full details here:
πŸ†Join us on the exciting #BGWFairLaunchpool Season 12!
🀩 Trade on #BitgetWallet, and earn airdrops up to $200. The event's $50,000 prize pool is sponsored by Openex_network

πŸ‘‰How to participate:
Go to the #BitgetWallet App -> Earning Center -> Fair Launchpool to find the event page
1⃣ Register for the event
2⃣ Trade Token via OpenEx using Bitget Swap on Core Mainnet β‰₯ $100
3⃣ Follow us on X BitgetWallet
and use the #BGWFairLaunchpool to promote our campaign

⏰May 22nd, 18:00 - May 29th, 18:00 (UTC+8)
πŸ”— Full details here: