Bitget Wallet Announcements
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Join 60M users in seamlessly navigating the Web3 space with Bitget Wallet - the best Web3 trading wallet today.

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🏆 Break the #Guinness World Record and win commemorative #NFTs!
🩵 #Invite2Get Season 9, $400 rewards and an exclusive Guinness NFT await you! 🤑
🤝 Want to win double rewards while making history with your buddies? Click the link below ⬇️
September 25th, 9:00 (UTC) - October 6th, 17:00 (UTC)
📝 Learn more

Win $400 rewards⬅️
🩵 We're back with Season 10 of #Invite2Get!
🏆 Win from a pool of $30,000! Top 30 winners can with $400 EACH 👀
📝 To qualify:
1️⃣ Download #BitgetWallet app and enter invitation code here
2️⃣ Hold & Trade at least $10 worth of any token in your wallet
🔥 Don't miss out!
9:00 Oct 09 - 9:00 Oct 16 (UTC)

Win $400 rewards ⬅️
🔥 Here comes the first round of winners of the #BitgetWallet #Invite2Get Season 10!

🏆 Thanks for participating and congratulations to all of you!
📝 Check and see if your wallet is on the list:

💰 Want to join the party and claim your own $400? Check it now ⬇️
Win $400 rewards ⬅️
🔥 Here comes the 2nd round of winners of the #BitgetWallet #Invite2Get Season 10!

🤝 Thanks for participating and congratulations to all of you!
📝 Check and see if your wallet is on the list:

💰 Want to join the party and claim your own $400?

👉Check it now:👈
🩵 #BitgetWallet #Invite2Get Season 11 Carnival Special is here!
🏆 Win from a pool of $30,000 and #NewDegen2023 On-Chain Trading Competition Rewards! Winners can win $400-$10,000 EACH
📝 To qualify:
1️⃣ Download #BitgetWallet app and enter invitation code here
2️⃣ Hold & Trade at least $10 worth of any token in your wallet
🔥 Don't FOMO and miss out on this opportunity to win big!
17:00 Oct 25 - 17:00 Nov 05 (UTC+8)

🚀Join Now!!
🎉 Congrats to the winners of the the first round #BitgetWallet #Invite2Get Season 11!

🍀 Check and see if you are on the list:

🤑 Want to join the party and win $400-$10,000 EACH?
🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Don't hesitate to participate NOW!
Join now ⬅️
🍻 Congrats to the winners of the the second round #BitgetWallet #Invite2Get Season 11!

📝 Check and see if you are on the list:

🤑 Join us and share from a double pool to win $400-$10,000 EACH!
🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Find out more
Share Invite2get Vol.11 to Earn $350 USDT Discord exclusive #Airdrop! 🪂

Event date: Oct 30th - Nov 5th 11:59 p.m(UTC+8)
🎁 Prize pool: $350 USDT
👇 Complete any following 2 tasks and have a chance to win $15 USDT airdrop
1️⃣ Share the screenshot and invitation code that show valid invited users ≥ 1 to the form -$150USDT
2️⃣ Share the ongoing #Invite2Get event and your invite links in 3 other TG communities or SNS
For example : #Bitget Wallet #Invite2Get Season 11 starts! + your invitation poster/ invitation code - $200 USDT
3️⃣ Click this link:

🚀Fill Form to Join
🔥 Congrats to the winners of the the third round #BitgetWallet #Invite2Get Season 11!

📝 Check and see if you are on the list:

🤑 Join us and share from a double pool to win $400-$10,000 EACH!
🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Find out more ⬇️
Welcome back to #BitgetWallet #Invite2Get Season 12!
Prizes go up to $400. Claim basic invitation rewards + earn up to a 1000% multiplier 🤑
Start inviting, and get winning 🔥
Full details👇
#Invite2Get Season 13 is back with a Thanksgiving Special 🦃
Win an iPhone 15 Pro and up to $1,000 in rewards. BIG PRIZES awaits you!
Participants will receive rewards based on their successful invites! Read the full details ⬇️
:hourglass_flowing_sand:Only 3 Days left to join Invite2Get Thanksgiving Special. Excting prizes including an iPhone 15 Pro await. Start spreading the word!
:link: #Invite2Get#