Bitget Wallet Announcements
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The BIGGEST ZKFair airdrop is launching exclusively on Bitget Wallet! 3 rounds of campaigns incoming 🚀

From Jan 2nd 20:00 to Jan 5th, 00:00 2024, NEW Bitget Wallet users who download Bitget Wallet during the campaign period will have a chance to win a share of the massive 3 MILLION $ZKF airdrop at 0 cost!

To enter:
1⃣Download Bitget Wallet:
2⃣Add ZKFair mainnet and hold more than 10U on ZKFair mainnet

100 lucky winners will be randomly selected every day to win 10,000 $ZKF EACH - that's 1 MILLION $ZKF daily, totalling 3 MILLION $ZKF!

The winner list will be announced the next day! So start preparing your Bitget Wallet now! This is the FINAL chance to grab $ZKF at 0 cost!

In addition, $ZKF red packets will be airdropped in different communities, and please stay tuned for a total of 5 million $ZKF airdrops from the Bitget Wallet!

#Bitget #ZKFair #Airdrop #ZKF #freeairdrop