Bitget Wallet Announcements
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Join 60M users in seamlessly navigating the Web3 space with Bitget Wallet - the best Web3 trading wallet today.

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🩵 #BitgetWallet's Newest Update 8.2 is Now Live!

🤝Added network and DApp ecosystem support for
#ZetaChain Testnet and #opBNB mainnet.
💴 #OTC on-ramp fiat options have been expanded to include EUR/RUB/JPY currencies.
🪙 Intelligent home page now automatically adds and displays tokens of value.
📝 Small transactions can now be hidden on the token information page to streamline transaction history.
🔧 Trading interfaces and processes have been optimized for a smoother trading experience.

Excited for these updates? Update now!
Did you guess it right? Our first #Task2Get collaboration is with @zetablockchain! #ZetaChain

Participate in the ZetaChain project interaction to win from a whopping 700,000 $ZETA rewards pool 🤯
Participation rules are simple! Complete the #Galxe tasks to secure your $500 first ⬇️

📝 Find out more here:
The #Task2Get campaign we are co-hosting with @zetablockchain #ZetaChain has been running for 2 days, how many #NFTs have you won? Act fast, 700,000 $ZETA prize pool is waiting for you!
🤔 Got some questions about Task2Get? We got you ⬇️
🤔 Searching for the next task to complete? Look no further cuz #Task2Get is your one-stop-shop for Web3 Exploration Incentive Platform!
The more you interact, the larger the reward gets. Win your free #NFT in just 1min 🤩
In addition to the tutorials, we've also prepared an infographic guide for your reference ⬇️
Share the #ZetaChain campaign with your friends and grab your 700,000 $ZETA rewards!
📢 Everything you need to know about #ZetaChain is included in this AMA
🗓 Dec 5th at 2:30 PM UTC
🎉 Total Rewards Pool: $200 USDT + 100 GasU
🔗 Venue: ⁠
👇Fill this form to share the USDT airdrop.
📢 Everything you need to know about #ZetaChain is included in this AMA
🗓 1 hour after
🎉 Total Rewards Pool: $200 USDT + 100 GasU
🔗 Venue: ⁠
👇Fill this form to share the USDT airdrop.
We’ve got another #Task2Get AMA for you featuring @bounce_finance!

Find out more on how they build on #ZetaChain!
🗓 2.30PM, Dec 10 UTC
🎉 Rewards Pool: $150 USDT + $100 GasU

👇Fill this to share $100 GasU + $50 USDT:
We’ve got another #Task2Get AMA for you featuring @eddy_protocol!

Find out more on how they build on #ZetaChain!
🗓 Start in 3 mins
🎉 Rewards Pool: $150 USDT + $100 GasU

👇Fill this to share $100 GasU + $50 USDT
The @zetablockchain #airdrop has been announced! Participate in #Task2Get ZetaChain Season 2 with a 700,000 $ZETA prize pool 👀

New projects include:
@zetaswapdex, @ZetaEarn, @Range_Protocol, @CharacterXAI,@LOT_HQ, @sugar_datingfi!

Stand a chance to win $500 from completing this #Galxe task:

#zetachain #BitgetWallet