Bitget Wallet Announcements
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🎉BitKeep officially issues the #BSTB ('B' Soulbound Token - Buddy) today, which enables users to enjoy rich benefits.

And BSTB is just the beginning of our Soulbound series' benefits!👇👇
🤔️ Did you miss out on the opportunity to get your hands on the first round of the BitKeep platform tokens?
🤑 Fret not since we got you covered! The second round of benefits for holding BSTB is coming! The first 10,000 HODLERs will receive 50 $SUIBG and 20 $GASU as rewards!
Before May 24th 23:59 (UTC+8), if you invite 3 friends to join the event and their cumulative transaction amount in #BitKeep reaches $100, there will be #BSTB rewards waiting for you, plus additional $SUIBG and $GASU benefits!
👇 How to participate
Blog link:
📅 Only one week left! Participate now for exclusive #BSTB rewards!
🚀 Nearly 2,300 users have already claimed BSTB and obtained exclusive privileges such as early access to BitKeep's platform token, #GASU, #SUIBG and other rewards 🎁
🙋 Invite your friends to join BitKeep now and get your exclusive #BSBT and unlock more hidden benefits today! 🎁
💜 Hey BitKeepers, to better reward your enthusiasm for the ‘B’ Soulbound Token – Buddy (#BSTB), the claiming activity will be extended to June 25th! 🎉

You can still invite your friends to get the first #SBT officially launched by BitKeep and enjoy multiple #airdrops!

Also, big congrats to the first 2,400+ users who have already claimed their #BSTB! BitKeep will airdrop 50 $SUIBG and 20 $GASU to all BSTB holders before May 31st (UTC+8). So do keep an eye out and check your wallet 😉
🎉🎉🎉 Congratulations to all the BitKeepers who claimed #BSTB before 23:59 (UTC+8) on May 24, your 50 $SUIBG and 20 $GASU rewards have been airdropped to your wallet.
👇 Please check the #SUIBG to $SUI exchange rules
SUIBG exchange reminder:
1⃣ $SUIBG received through BSTB can be exchanged for $SUI. Users who obtained $SUIBG through BSTB must transfer their $SUIBG to the dedicated wallet address below before 24:00 on June 15 (UTC+8)
Address 👇
⚠️Users must also complete a Token Swap or NFT transaction using BitKeep wallet before 24:00 on June 15, 2023 (UTC+8).
2⃣ Once BitKeep received $SUIBG transferred by users to determine if the exchange conditions are met. Eligible users will be airdropped $SUI before 24:00 on June 21, 2023 (UTC+8), while ineligible users will be returned the same amount of $SUIBG they transferred.
3⃣ Please make sure to add the Sui Network mainnet to the BitKeep wallet address you initially used for the exchange application. We will match your Sui mainnet address and proceed with the airdrop.
⚠️ Note, the distribution of GASU requires users to activate the cloud wallet in advance. Users who have not yet activated are requested to activate before 24:00 on June 15, 2023 (UTC+8).