⚠️Dear BitKeep users, according to industry news, the RouteProcess02 contract of SushiSwap was attacked today. BitKeep Swap is not affected by this attack, please feel free to continue using it.
🔧In order to avoid security risks caused by authorization, BitKeep kindly reminds you to check whether there is any authorization of the RouteProcess02 contract that SushiSwap was attacked in [Tools] [Authorization Detection] on the wallet homepage, and cancel all authorizations that indicate high risks in time. #StaySafe
🔧In order to avoid security risks caused by authorization, BitKeep kindly reminds you to check whether there is any authorization of the RouteProcess02 contract that SushiSwap was attacked in [Tools] [Authorization Detection] on the wallet homepage, and cancel all authorizations that indicate high risks in time. #StaySafe
April 9, 2023