Bitget Wallet now supports MerlinLayer2 real-time market prices!
Add #MerlinChain mainnet to your wallet effortlessly and explore Merlin Chain's popular tokens with precise charts and prices!
Head to Bitget Wallet's "Markets", search for any token, and access its chart directly!
#BTCL2 #Bitcoin #Swap #VOYA #BitgetWallet
Add #MerlinChain mainnet to your wallet effortlessly and explore Merlin Chain's popular tokens with precise charts and prices!
Head to Bitget Wallet's "Markets", search for any token, and access its chart directly!
#BTCL2 #Bitcoin #Swap #VOYA #BitgetWallet
Want to make smart investments in #BTCL2? 🤔
#SpaceID has graciously invited us to participate in their AMA alongside
#Merlin! Big conversations will be happening!
⬇️ Set a reminder for the Space and participate in the giveaway now!
#SpaceID has graciously invited us to participate in their AMA alongside
#Merlin! Big conversations will be happening!
⬇️ Set a reminder for the Space and participate in the giveaway now!