Bitget Wallet Announcements
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πŸŽ‰ Celebrate 30 Million Users with Bitget Wallet! πŸš€

πŸ“… August 13 - 18
πŸ† 1000 BWB
The more you share, the more you win! Here’s how the rewards break down:
- Top 1: 100 BWB
- Top 2: 50 BWB * 2
- Top 3: 30 BWB * 3
- Participants: 10 BWB - Big chance!!!!

Note: The more groups you share in, the greater your chance of winning!
You can add No to show how many group you share.

How to Join:
πŸ“² Download Bitget Wallet
πŸ”— Subscribe: Subscribe Bitget Wallet Channel.
πŸ”„ Forward & Win: Forward this event announcement in at least 3 other Tap2Earn/Crypto Telegram groups.
πŸ“Έ Snapshot: Send the screenshot of your share with #30Million in the Bitget Wallet group

And submit your EVM wallet address to Bitget Wallet BOT with event code #30Million

πŸŽ‰ Download Bitget Wallet and help us mark this incredible milestone!
Hold BWB tokens, share the excitement, and maybe you'll be one of our lucky winners! 🎊