Dogiators Community
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Do you remember those days when your inventory was filled with seemingly useless items?

It's amazing how much everything has changed - now it seems that there are always not enough of them.

In Dogiators items have the same value as coins and serve as the resources needed to upgrade your basic gear.

You can replace your favorite products with those that, in your opinion, have less value.

But how much do they really cost?

Stay tuned, because very soon we will tell you about this interesting aspect!
Every item in our game has unique characteristics, including both basic and additional parameters.

The basic parameters are exclusive to each item, however, the bonus values obtained based on these parameters vary.

Interestingly, the additional parameters are selected completely randomly!

Thus, the same item in the game can complement your set or your friend's set in different ways.

So, go deeper into the game, explore the potential of each item and use it to develop a strategy.

Create your perfect set and notice how its sound changes depending on the different combinations. The game is completely in your hands!

Dogiators Community
WOW! It was HOT! Our first “Dogiators Arena Tournament” is over. Congratulations to all the winners from the top 100, you are legends (check leaderboard in fighting section). The rewards will find their heroes within 3 days. Players, from 101 to 500…
All winners have received their well-deserved rewards, please check your linked wallets.

Places from 101 to 500 have also received 20 orange coins each.

By the way, prize pool of next
”Dogiators Arena Tournament”, that will take place in November, will be 100.000$.

Be ready and upgrade your dogs to the maximum level.

An epic battle awaits us.

We noticed that many of our players have started to unlock our secret item sets, gaining additional bonuses and gaining the upper hand in the game. These sets exist and include four items of the same basic rarity. By collecting the second and fourth items in the set, you get more experience - the more items you have, the greater the bonus.

However, it is important to understand that not all subjects complement each other perfectly. To unleash the true power of your arsenal, you need to find the perfect combinations. The task is to identify those items that blend harmoniously with each other and increase your effectiveness in the game.

Members of our community and clans quickly appreciated this feature. If this is news to you, it might be worth considering finding allies.

Working with Dogiators will not only enrich your gaming experience, but also give you a strategic advantage.

Join us, experiment with item combinations and start creating a strategy.

Here’s what awaits us in the coming months:

1) New large-scale tournament where the best players will share a prize pool of $100,000!

2) Marketplace, where you can buy and sell the fighting stuff, you’ve earned before.

3) Skill-shop (we know, that everyone is waiting for it)

4) Alliances and Clans.

5) Something very special related to PvP battles, that will truly excite you.

Use the “Fighting section”, get ready, level up your dog to the max, and you'll have a chance to earn generous rewards.

Dogiators – a unique approach and a new word in Telegram mini apps.

Together we will make Telegram Great Again!
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Every month = one really BIG “Dogiators Arena Tournament”.

And our intern have told us, that every day will be “Daily Tournament” very soon (of course with $ prize pool).

November is coming.

Our intern have laughed out loud, when he heard that Dogiators is a “clicker game”.

A real PvP arena where hundreds of thousands of players participate in battles with the chance to win hundreds of thousands of dollars, right in the game.

Honest, transparent, thrilling.

In November, you’ll understand what it’s all about.

What's going on here today?

We've been together for a while, and we think we know everything (well, actually we don't).

But we suppose it's time to remind newcomers, that each item in Dogiators is geared towards specific characteristics. Here's a quick guide to what each gear piece impacts:

- Helmets: health

- Body Armor: impacts your main stat (HP, Crit, Dodge, Armor, Anti Crit+Anti Dodge)

- Boots: adds a secondary stat to your class (like Counter-attack, Life, Crit Power, etc.)

- Legs: armor

- Weapons: your main stat (HP, Crit, Dodge, Armor, Anti Crit+Anti Dodge)

- Accessories: relates to Fury

- Jewelry: one of the four main parameters (Dexterity, Strength, Stamina, Intuition).

You've got seven slots in your inventory and can equip seven items at a time.

What that combination will look like though, is anybody's guess.

It surely leaves a lot of room for experimentation.

Good luck and happy strategizing, Dogiators!

It's awesome to know that almost all players are starting to feel like they are part of the game world, part of this exciting saga of winners and super-winners.

It's an incredible feeling, when we realize that people, who were enemies in the arena later become friends.

After all, every opponent you face is a real person who, at this very moment, somewhere in another part of the world, is trying to stab you with a plunger.

But, as we all know, plunger (vantus) unites people.

Play now and make friends or enemies.

Enjoy exciting Dogiators battles!
We hope that you have already got the new items that we had added - jewelry and accessories.

These are very important items from a tactical point of view, which we will tell you about now.

Jewelry is one of the most powerful items in the game, as it allows you to enhance one of the four main character traits (dexterity, strength, intuition, endurance).

Thanks to this, you can complement the desired set of clothes and achieve the required parameter. For example, if you don't like dodging, you can use agility and get extra protection from dodging.

And also, if you feel that a particular technique works better when you have a lot of dexterity, you can enhance it even more by wearing appropriate jewelry.

Hope you don't tell your enemies about this, as it gives your character significant strength.

Accessories - this type of item increases the level of rage.

Here you can either increase the maximum amount of rage you can accumulate in battle, or increase its recovery rate.

So what's the difference?

Well, if you're focused on using a certain technique as often as possible, you should choose the rage recovery rate.

However, if you consider it important to accumulate your rage in order to use it at the right moment and for a few moves, then this is definitely your option.

Big events are coming.

In the first half of November, a marketplace will be launched where all players can buy and sell their items with each other.

The marketplace will go live ahead of the large-scale “Dogiators Arena tournament”, with a prize pool of $100,000.

The tournament will also start in the first half of November.

Players with a fighting level of 10+ will be eligible to participate in the tournament.

It’s nice time to make serious upgrade during the next couple of weeks and boost level up your dogs to the max.

We noticed that despite our previous post about how your parameters affect skill effectiveness, many people didn't seem to pay attention to it.

Let's delve into this topic in a little more detail.

The fact is that we have different types of skills:

- General
- Offensive
- Defensive
- Healing

Each of these types of skills is available to everyone, but for some, one skill will be more effective than the other.

What influences this?

We think you have already begun to guess and are probably right; your characteristics affect the effectiveness of any skill (dexterity, intuition, strength, endurance).

Some skills get a bonus from intuition, some from endurance, and so on.

This means that you have to find the most effective skills for your class.

To do this, we advise you to communicate more with your friends and your community in order to find the one that best suits your class.

P.S. Not all, but 60% of skills are tied to characteristics, some of them have a stable basis and remain unchanged.

Have a nice game, Dogiators players!
Hey, Dogiators!

You can check your dog on the main screen of our app.

It’s exactly the same as in the “Fighting” mode.

This is the first step toward merging and fully synchronizing the two modes.

Soon, it will become the main screen of your primary character, the one you've been leveling up diligently in the arena.

The big tournament and marketplace are also on the way.

Our primary goal and mission are to provide players with an exciting gaming environment where they can earn money directly while playing.

We aim to make this as clear and transparent as possible for everyone.

It’s simple: you work hard to level up your dog in the arena, and you can win and get generous prizes in the tournament.

If you have or you want a lot of cool stuff - you can sell/buy it on the marketplace.

This creates a real internal economy where people can now exchange their time for money.

Some say the mini-app market is in bad condition now.

But that’s not true.

The old class of apps is fading, and a new one is taking its place.

Hey, guys, we are in the cryptomarket, where things can change very fast.

Good day – we’re fine.
Bad day – we’re fine.

No matter what happens to the market, the team keeps building.

Because if we succeed in creating a story where millions of people are battling and earning in real-time PvP on the arena, our app won’t depend from the mini-apps market.

That’s where we’re headed, and we don’t care about what’s happening in the moment.

So welcome aboard.

«Global Dogiators Arena Tournament» is around the corner.

Next week, be prepared.

Prize pool: 100.000$ (or maybe more 😎).

How it will be look like:

1 place - 5000$
2 place - 3700$
3 place - 2700$
4-20 places - 600$
21-50 places - 400$
51-100 places - 200$
101-500 places - 80$
501-1000 places - 30$
1001-2000 places - 10$

Yes, 2000 winners.

Everyone has enough chances to win.

Upgrade your dogs over 10 lvl+ and let’s get ready to rumble.

Guys are playing Dogiators as usual
Oops, our intern has told, that project listing is scheduled for the Q1-2025.
“Global Dogiators Arena Tournament” will start on Sunday, November 17th.

Here are the rules:

⁃ You have to be level 10 or up in fighting.

- Tournament duration = 3 weeks (17th November - 8th December).

⁃ 21 days, 12 fights with energy will go towards the leaderboard every day.

But, there are some
updates about prize pool.

Looks like it's going to be very hot soon.

We have decided to significantly increase the prize pool.

The guaranteed prize, regardless of the number of participants, will be: $100,000.

After first 25,000 participants, we will add another $100,000 to the prize pool after recruiting an additional 25,000 participants.

If the number of participants exceeds 50,000 people, then we will add another $100,000 in prize money on top (in addition to $100,000 for every 25,000 participants).

For example:

25,000 participants or less = $100,000 prize pool.

50,000+ participants = $200,000 prize pool.

100,000+ participants = $400,000 prize pool.

150,000+ participants = $700,000 prize pool.

Membership fee for registration in the tournament will be 1 TON.

This tournament will become legendary, and from now such big tournaments will be held
every month.

Be prepared.
