GLAY / サバイバル
«This music video was made by a group of about five guys, all of whom worked on Akira as well as whole bunch of massive shows and movies individually. The Director, Kouji Morimoto was the Assistant Animation Director on Akira, did Key Animation Fist of the North Star, Urusei Yatsura, Ashita no Joe, as well being the Director of the Magnetic Rose portion of Memories (1995). That's not getting to all the stuff the other guys worked on.»
«This music video was made by a group of about five guys, all of whom worked on Akira as well as whole bunch of massive shows and movies individually. The Director, Kouji Morimoto was the Assistant Animation Director on Akira, did Key Animation Fist of the North Star, Urusei Yatsura, Ashita no Joe, as well being the Director of the Magnetic Rose portion of Memories (1995). That's not getting to all the stuff the other guys worked on.»
GLAY / サバイバル
1st Video Single「サバイバル」から『サバイバル』のミュージックビデオを公開!
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