#TIP1 Announcements
☘️THETA Mainnet Upgrade: Depositing and Withdrawal Resumption
⏰Depositing and Withdrawal services of THETA will resume at 08:00 May 29, 2020 (UTC).
☘️THETA Mainnet Upgrade: Depositing and Withdrawal Resumption
⏰Depositing and Withdrawal services of THETA will resume at 08:00 May 29, 2020 (UTC).
☘️#OKExElite🏆: The Global Elite Trading Team Contest is NOW LIVE!
#OKExElite🏆: The Global Elite Trading Team Contest is NOW LIVE! What are you waiting for? Sign up & start trading on ALL #CRYPTO @OKEx MARKETS to share 150,000 USDT 🏅 Join NOW ➡️ https://t.co/zdFWkEIXWX https://t.co/dicuXzth13
#TIP4 Daily Share (30/5) 🌀— How to check my Referral rewards
Learn more👉 https://medium.com/okex-daily-share
Learn more👉 https://medium.com/okex-daily-share
#TIP4 Daily Share (31/5) 🌀— When will the Referral rewards distribute?
Learn more👉 https://medium.com/okex-daily-share
Learn more👉 https://medium.com/okex-daily-share
☘️Excellent Video for OKEx Options from Vid Contest, check it out!
How to use the #OKEx Options? Here is the answer in this funny video. DO NOT WATCH IT!!! 😄 #TradewithOKEx @OKEx Use this link to get 10$ bonus when you buy $100 or more of crypto on first order in OKEx! ⬇️ https://t.co/sGsrPx1IGE ❤️ and 🔄 supported ^^ ht…
☘️Stay Live, Stay Young, AMA with OKEx CEO Jayhao
OKX Announcements
#TIP1 Announcement ☘️XLM Wallet Upgrade: Depositing and Withdrawal Suspension 🌀https://www.okex.com/support/hc/en-us/articles/360044110111
☘️The wallet upgrade of XLM is complete. The depositing and withdrawal services of XLM will resume at 07:30 June 1, 2020 (UTC).
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Help center
XLM Wallet Upgrade: Depositing and Withdrawal Resumption
Dear valued customers,
The wallet upgrade of XLM is complete. The depositing and withdrawal services of XLM will resume at 07:30 June 1, 2020 (UTC).
We apologize for any inconvenience this may caus...
The wallet upgrade of XLM is complete. The depositing and withdrawal services of XLM will resume at 07:30 June 1, 2020 (UTC).
We apologize for any inconvenience this may caus...
OKX Announcements
#TIP1 Announcement ☘️WXT Wallet Upgrade: Depositing and Withdrawal Suspension 🌀https://www.okex.com/support/hc/en-us/articles/360044111471
☘️The wallet upgrade of WXT is complete. The depositing and withdrawal services of WXT will resume at 07:30 June 1, 2020 (UTC).
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Help center
WXT Wallet Upgrade: Depositing and Withdrawal Resumption
Dear valued customers,
The wallet upgrade of WXT is complete. The depositing and withdrawal services of WXT will resume at 07:30 June 1, 2020 (UTC).
We apologize for any inconvenience this may caus...
The wallet upgrade of WXT is complete. The depositing and withdrawal services of WXT will resume at 07:30 June 1, 2020 (UTC).
We apologize for any inconvenience this may caus...
OKX Announcements
☘️#OKExOptions: Try a easy way to explore Options
#OKExOptions: Still not sure about your options? We've just upgraded our 'Options Discovery' 🔎 - experience the advanced suggestions & explore the best 'options' tailored just for you, and place orders simultaneously. Try it out 👉 https://t.co/52rbslJoSR
☘️Wanna trade Options, yet don't know how?
👉Here we go: What's is Options
👉Here we go: What's is Options
What is Options
OKEx Academy:https://videopress.com/v/Xbn5QCBS?preloadContent=metadata
☘️OKB Buy-Back & Burn Report (Mar 1 - May 31, 2020)
❗️8th round worth $19,000,000
❗️8th round worth $19,000,000
#TIP4 Daily Share (3/6) 🌀— What is the meaning of Hedging?
Learn more👉 https://medium.com/okex-daily-share
Learn more👉 https://medium.com/okex-daily-share
#TIP4 Daily Share (4/6) 🌀— What is Advanced Limit Order?
Learn more👉 https://medium.com/okex-daily-share
Learn more👉 https://medium.com/okex-daily-share
#TIP4 Daily Share (5/6) 🌀— What is Market Order and Limit Order?
Learn more👉 https://medium.com/okex-daily-share
Learn more👉 https://medium.com/okex-daily-share
☘️#Options: Difference between Options and Futures
Difference between options and futures
OKEx Academy:Options and futures are both derivatives. What is the difference between them?First, rights vs. obligationsWhen trading futures, bo