Bitget Wallet Announcements
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Join 60M users in seamlessly navigating the Web3 space with Bitget Wallet - the best Web3 trading wallet today.

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⭐️ Experience convenience and security like never before, with Bitget MPC Wallet
🚀 Bitget MPC Wallet takes special care to generate long and complex prime numbers to encrypt your wallet securely!
💜 Read on to find out more about the science behind Bitget MPC Wallet! 👉🏻
📢 Everything you need to know about #Gains Network is included in this AMA
🗓 Join now!!!
🎉 Total Rewards Pool: $100 GNS + 100 GasU
🔗 Venue:
🥳 #BitgetWallet has supported the #Starknet mainnet! Joined the #StarknetTakeover! 🚀 Participate in the #Galxe event and get limited Starknet Mainnet #NFTs!
👉 Learn more:
💰 New #Futures Traders, don't miss your chance to get a 400 USDT cash bonus!
📝 Don't wanna miss out on this? Delve into #BitgetFutures:
🔥 Congrats to the winners of the the third round #BitgetWallet #Invite2Get Season 11!

📝 Check and see if you are on the list:

🤑 Join us and share from a double pool to win $400-$10,000 EACH!
🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Find out more ⬇️
🙀 Afraid of missing out important dates for @T2T2_official's #Launchpad with #BitgetWallet?

📆 Don't worry, here's the schedule so you can mark your calendars for key dates you need to look out for! Which phase are you most excited for?
👀 We know you've been waiting for it. Our @T2T2_official #T2T2 #Launchpad subscription is coming real soon!
⬇️ Here's everything you need to know to prepare for it:
#BitgetWallet #Launchpad Strikes Back! ⚡️
📝 Use this visual guide to learn more about @T2T2_official and our launchpad event with them!
🔥 Subscribe to the hottest launchpad today!
💡 Please ensure you downloaded Bitget Wallet and have sufficient USDT on #Ethereum mainnet for subscription
🙀 Afraid of missing out important dates for T2T2's #Launchpad with #BitgetWallet?📆 Don't worry, here's the schedule so you can mark your calendars for key dates you need to look out for! Which phase are you most excited for?
🕊️ The day that you've all been waiting for is here! 👇 Check whether you managed to secure a T2T2 #Launchpad #Whitelist:
🗣️ Attention! In just ONE HOUR, the T2T2 Whitelist Round will begin!⚡️ Subscription period from 15:00 - 17:00 (UTC+8), make sure you act fast!
🚨 Whitelist Round has ended! Exclusive Public Sale for T2T2 #Launchpad starts in an hour! 📆 Duration: 18:00 Nov 05 - 18:00 Nov 06 (UTC+8)

🔥 Don't miss out on this opportunity, friends!
Tick-Tock says the clock!
💨 ONLY 6 HOURS LEFT before T2T2 #Launchpad Public Round ends!
🤔 Have you gotten yours yet?
⚡️Surprise Bitget Wallet & Gains Network red packets are here!
🍀We will randomly distribute red packets loaded with $100 worth of $GNS durning campaign in communities.
🤑 Each red packet is worth a mystery amount.Check how much you got!
🧧Red Packet:
🔥 The trading campaign is still in progress,don't miss out!
Duration :19:00, Nov 2nd – 19:00, Nov 12th (UTC+8)
🕊️ Thank you everyone who participated in both our #T2T2 #Launchpad Whitelist Round and Public Round!
🚀 Public Round was a massive success! Did you guess how many percent we were oversubscribed by? 👀
🚨 Surprise! Been a while since we hosted our last #AMA! So don't miss out on this one!
🤔 From AMMs to Telegram Bot, How Will On-Chain Trading Continue to Evolve?
🤝 Guests from @zeroexprotocol, @1inch, @QuickswapDEX, @KyberNetwork
📆 Set reminder:
👀 Psst... we have #giveaways and #redpackets in store especially for you guys 🩵
🩵 New #AMA coming!
🤔 From AMM to TelegramBot, how do you think on-chain trading is going to evolve?
🙋 Hosted by our new COO @alvin_kan!
👥 Guests: @ewokafloka, @k06a, @cryptorocky, @imranfaststart
Register NOW ⬇️
See you on 22:00 (UTC+8) Nov 09
🏆 Win $200 USDT giveaway + $200 $MATIC!
🎉 “AMAZING” is what you use to describe T2T2’s #T2T2 #Launchpad performance!
🤯 It’s up by a whopping 2900%! Did you manage to secure one for yourself?