Bitget Wallet Announcements
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Join 60M users in seamlessly navigating the Web3 space with Bitget Wallet - the best Web3 trading wallet today.

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Show Off Your Trades and Win Big with Bitget Wallet! 🚀
📅 Aug 26 - Sep 1
📍 Bitget Wallet Telegram Community
💰 600 $BWB

How to Participate:
1️⃣ Trade Using Bitget Wallet:
- Conduct trades on Bitget Wallet during the event period. The more volume you trade, the better your chances to be a top trader.
2️⃣ Share Your Trades:
- Post your successful trades or trading history screenshot in our Telegram group with the hashtag #TradingShowOff and a brief description of your trade strategy or story.

Rewards Structure: (Total 600 BWB)
- Top Traders:
- 1st Place: 150 BWB
- 2nd Place: 100 BWB
- 3rd Place: 50 BWB

- Lucky Participants:
- 20 randomly selected participants who share their trades will each receive 15 BWB.

And submit your EVM wallet address to Bitget Wallet BOT with event code #TradingShowOff