Bitget Wallet Announcements
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Join 60M users in seamlessly navigating the Web3 space with Bitget Wallet - the best Web3 trading wallet today.

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πŸ”₯ We're having an AMA on Bitgetι’±εŒ… ( account Now!
πŸ‘₯ Featuring prolific speakers from Maverick Protocol, WOOFi, BlockBeats, and Foresight Ventures!
πŸ‘‰ Join Now:
🫠 Confused by the different types of wallets out there?
πŸ‘€ You’re probably already using an EOA wallet, but what exactly is it?
πŸŽ“ Read on to find out more about how EOA wallets work! πŸ‘‰πŸ»
🩡xπŸ’œ We are pleased to announce that we have partnered with @spacefi_io!
πŸ“’ #SpaceFi is the #DeFi hub on #zkRollups with DEX+NFT+Spacebase+Launchpad, exploring the #Layer2 ecosystem.
πŸ™Œ Stay tuned for more upcoming activities!
πŸ“’ Everything you need to know about #Gains Network is included in this AMA
πŸ—“ Nov 2nd, 7pm (GMT+8)
πŸŽ‰ Total Rewards Pool: $100 GNS + 100 GasU
πŸ”— Venue:
It will start in 30 mins, please set a time remainder.
⭐️ Experience convenience and security like never before, with Bitget MPC Wallet
πŸš€ Bitget MPC Wallet takes special care to generate long and complex prime numbers to encrypt your wallet securely!
πŸ’œ Read on to find out more about the science behind Bitget MPC Wallet! πŸ‘‰πŸ»
πŸ“’ Everything you need to know about #Gains Network is included in this AMA
πŸ—“ Join now!!!
πŸŽ‰ Total Rewards Pool: $100 GNS + 100 GasU
πŸ”— Venue:
πŸ₯³ #BitgetWallet has supported the #Starknet mainnet! Joined the #StarknetTakeover! πŸš€ Participate in the #Galxe event and get limited Starknet Mainnet #NFTs!
πŸ‘‰ Learn more:
πŸ’° New #Futures Traders, don't miss your chance to get a 400 USDT cash bonus!
πŸ“ Don't wanna miss out on this? Delve into #BitgetFutures:
πŸ”₯ Congrats to the winners of the the third round #BitgetWallet #Invite2Get Season 11!

πŸ“ Check and see if you are on the list:

πŸ€‘ Join us and share from a double pool to win $400-$10,000 EACH!
πŸ§‘β€πŸ€β€πŸ§‘ Find out more ⬇️
πŸ™€ Afraid of missing out important dates for @T2T2_official's #Launchpad with #BitgetWallet?

πŸ“† Don't worry, here's the schedule so you can mark your calendars for key dates you need to look out for! Which phase are you most excited for?
πŸ‘€ We know you've been waiting for it. Our @T2T2_official #T2T2 #Launchpad subscription is coming real soon!
⬇️ Here's everything you need to know to prepare for it:
#BitgetWallet #Launchpad Strikes Back! ⚑️
πŸ“ Use this visual guide to learn more about @T2T2_official and our launchpad event with them!
πŸ”₯ Subscribe to the hottest launchpad today!
πŸ’‘ Please ensure you downloaded Bitget Wallet and have sufficient USDT on #Ethereum mainnet for subscription
πŸ™€ Afraid of missing out important dates for T2T2's #Launchpad with #BitgetWallet?πŸ“† Don't worry, here's the schedule so you can mark your calendars for key dates you need to look out for! Which phase are you most excited for?
πŸ•ŠοΈ The day that you've all been waiting for is here! πŸ‘‡ Check whether you managed to secure a T2T2 #Launchpad #Whitelist:
πŸ—£οΈ Attention! In just ONE HOUR, the T2T2 Whitelist Round will begin!⚑️ Subscription period from 15:00 - 17:00 (UTC+8), make sure you act fast!
🚨 Whitelist Round has ended! Exclusive Public Sale for T2T2 #Launchpad starts in an hour! πŸ“† Duration: 18:00 Nov 05 - 18:00 Nov 06 (UTC+8)

πŸ”₯ Don't miss out on this opportunity, friends!
⏰ Tick-Tock says the clock!
πŸ’¨ ONLY 6 HOURS LEFT before T2T2 #Launchpad Public Round ends!
πŸ€” Have you gotten yours yet?
⚑️Surprise Bitget Wallet & Gains Network red packets are here!
πŸ€We will randomly distribute red packets loaded with $100 worth of $GNS durning campaign in communities.
πŸ€‘ Each red packet is worth a mystery amount.Check how much you got!
🧧Red Packet:
πŸ”₯ The trading campaign is still in progress,don't miss out!
Duration :19:00, Nov 2nd – 19:00, Nov 12th (UTC+8)
πŸ•ŠοΈ Thank you everyone who participated in both our #T2T2 #Launchpad Whitelist Round and Public Round!
πŸš€ Public Round was a massive success! Did you guess how many percent we were oversubscribed by? πŸ‘€
🚨 Surprise! Been a while since we hosted our last #AMA! So don't miss out on this one!
πŸ€” From AMMs to Telegram Bot, How Will On-Chain Trading Continue to Evolve?
🀝 Guests from @zeroexprotocol, @1inch, @QuickswapDEX, @KyberNetwork
πŸ“† Set reminder:
πŸ‘€ Psst... we have #giveaways and #redpackets in store especially for you guys 🩡